Presentation Proposals

Got a presentation idea?

Become part of our team!

COMPREHENDED! is accepting presentation proposals of 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour in length in any of the following content areas:

  • Beginning CI Strategies

  • Intermediate CI Strategies

  • Advanced CI Strategies

  • Reading Strategies & Activities

  • Classroom Management

  • Grading & Assessment

  • Curricula

  • Culture

  • Classroom Demonstrations*

  • Online Teaching

  • Diversity

  • Heritage Speakers

  • General CI Activities

  • Teacher Wellness

We ask that all titles and descriptions submitted with your proposal be publish-ready, but please know they may be edited for length if necessary.


We are continuing a successful aspect of last year’s conference. We are asking presenters to also present LIVE! on Saturdays during the conference. Times would be scheduled between 7a and 12n Pacific Time. This works best to allow participants in the Americas, Europe, and Africa to attend live at a decent hour. You would not provide a pre-recorded video for this session, but we will automatically record it and make it available for participants after the fact.

We are also limiting presenters to a maximum of three presentations this year to keep everything manageable.

*All classroom-demonstration videos that include faces of minors must submit written permission from legal parent/guardian allowing their child to appear on video.

All proposals are due by December 31.

Accepted proposals will be notified by January 5.

Please note COMPREHENDED! has the right to revoke acceptance if submitted video does not meet the minimum requirements.

Presentation Requirements

All presentations must be recorded and submitted as an MOV or MP4 video file (max file size is 2GB).

The videos should be of high quality (minimum 720p), include your face, have adequate volume, and filmed in horizontal orientation.

All presentations must provide a handout in PDF format.

All presenters must submit a picture of themselves along with their proposal of at least 200 pixels x 200 pixels.

All presenters must submit a mini-bio of themselves. (max 300 words)

All classroom-demonstration videos that include faces of minors must submit written permission from legal parent/guardian allowing their child to appear on video.

All videos and handouts are due by February 10.


Please note COMPREHENDED! has the right to revoke acceptance if submitted video does not meet the minimum requirements.

Presentation Compensation

COMPREHENDED! believes in a fair and transparent distribution of proceeds.

All presenters will receive free, unlimited registration to the conference.

COMPREHENDED! compensates its presenters based on a profit-share model. After expenses, 50% of all net proceeds will be divided among all presenters based on the number of hours presented.

Please note your compensation is directly tied to the success of the conference. The more successful the conference, the more compensation each presenter will earn. Each presenter will earn no less than $100 per presentation hour if the conference is not profitable.

Payment will be sent via check, PayPal, or Zelle no later than June 30


Other Information

All presentations and handouts are copyright of the presenter. Video presentations submitted for COMPREHENDED! will be the property of COMPREHENDED! for one year.

The videos will only be used in the context of COMPREHENDED! including advertising and mini-promo conferences.

After one year, presenters are welcome to use their original videos as they see fit.

This is to protect the integrity of the COMPREHENDED!

conference and assure that COMPREHENDED! content isn’t made available elsewhere.

Participants will only have access to the video presentations and handouts during the conference window they have purchased.

All video presentations and handouts will be available only to registered participants, fellow presenters, and the conference staff. All reasonable precautions will be taken to keep your presentations and handouts safe and secure.


Don’t hesitate to ask!